
nonoko sato

She was born in Suzuka-shi Mie Prefecture. At the age of 18, she met Butoh, she aspires to the path of Butoh. She participates in activities as a manager at Butoh company "Kiraza" which Ima Tenko presides in Kyoto, and debuts as the manager and dancer in summer of 2012. Since then, she appeared in all works of Kiraza Butoh performance, and also helped to choreograph. In the new year of 2018, she leaved Kiraza.
With the mind that "I want to expand abundant encounter of people and Butoh", she also activates as a solo since belonging to Kiraza. From 2013〜2016, she organized Butoh performances at university and in her hometown. In December 2018, after leaving the company, she held first solo performance in Kyoto, " Song of child with shadow of indigo" She serves as a Butoh dancer at the new performance "HAZAMA"(choreographed by Yasuo Hukurozaka) planned by KYOTO BUTOH KAN. It was opened from January 11, 2020.
2022, She moved to Suzuka City and opened the relaxation salon "Yurikagononaka" in November, which aims to be "a place where you can experience the creativity of your body as an extension of your daily life."She plan live events on an irregular basis. She is exploring new possibilities as a butoh dancer.
She tries to melt her mind, deepen the pure dance that "the body of all things" sings, and looks for "the deverise life of human and being truly free" through dance and in all dialogues. Japanese
佐藤野乃子 Nonoko Sato
photo by Tao Takashi